

A geoportal represents a target area for the presentation of geospatial data, its review, editing and search. The geoportal application of the Republic administration for geodetic and property affairs was created in such a way that on one hand, it allows the presentation, distribution and charging of fees for distributed data under the jurisdiction of the Administration through services and applications, and on the other provides interoperability with data from other institutions of the Republic of Srpska which together with data of the Administration form the SDIRS (Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Republic of Srpska), all in accordance with the INSPIRE directive and other international standards in this field. The network services and technologies available within the Geoportal are: search, preview, download, transformation and connectivity.


e-Cadastre is an application for the preview of cadastral data through the internet (through the Geoportal of the Republic administration for geodetic and property affairs of the Republic of Srpska). All data represented here is unofficial and cannot be used for any personal or business needs.



The Sales Price Register Data


The service of the permanent GNSS stations of the Republic of Srpska -SRPOS was formally put into operation on the 27.09.2011. The servis SRPOS was implemented as part of the project "BiHPOS" of the European Commission in BiH - in which two networks of GNSS stations were implemented on the territory of B&H:

- SRPOS for the territory of the Republic of Srpska under the jurisdiction of the Republic administration for geodetic and property affairs and

- FBiHPOS for the territory of the Federation of B&H under the jurisdiction of the Federal administration for geodetic and property affairs